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cloudgene install

Installs an application from a zip file or a cloudgene.yaml file to your local repository.


cloudgene install <location>


Parameter Required Description
<location> yes The location of the application. This could be a URL to zip or yaml file or the filename of a local zip or yaml file. Moreover, it can be the name of a github repository in the following format <owner>/<repository>[/<subdir>]


Http Urls

Install application from a URL:

cloudgene install

Local File

Install application from a zip file:

cloudgene install /path/to/

Install application from a cloudgene.yaml file:

cloudgene install /path/to/myapplication/cloudgene.yaml


Install application from GitHub repository lukfor/hello-cloudgene:

cloudgene install lukfor/hello-cloudgene

Install application from a subdirectory in GitHub repository genepi/cloudgene-examples:

cloudgene install genepi/cloudgene-examples/fastqc

Install a certain version (tag or release):

cloudgene install lukfor/hello-cloudgene@v1.2.0